Nurturing Hearts,

Inspiring Minds,

Embracing Individuality,

Encouraging Hope


“To make a loveable school, industrious,

inventive, liveable and documentable and communicable,

a place of research, learning, re-cognition and reflection,

where children, teachers and

families feel well - is our point of arrival.”

Loris Malaguzzi

At Mata House..

We envisioned a nurturing haven that nurtures your child to

grow up happy, build meaningful relationships and who lives

meaningful life, who feel an inner sense of stability and

authenticity, and who cares deeply about others and

themselves and would bring

benefits to the world.

What is

our approach?

What inspired us

Children curiosity is enhanced with

the Reggio Emilia approach that values

child as a competent, capable and natural

researcher who has the desire for knowledge

and is always ready for challenge.

Hence, in adopting this approach, learning

and inquiring process is done through

authentic play to develop child's fundamental

learning skills.

What we believe

Each child is unique and we embrace

their strength to help them reach their

full potential - to be a wholesome person

with a joyful heart and happy mind.

Every child has the right to reach their

full potential at a different pace and path.

The child is

the curriculum

Image of the child

Capable, competent, intelligent

Environment as the Third Teacher

Beautiful active learning environment

Authentic play Hands-on

Experiental Learning

To promote relationship

communication, collaboration

and exploration

What are our

learning modules?

The International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) has a framework for teaching and learning through play-based learning. This framework comes in the

form of 4 learning strands.

The framework gives us learning modules as a guidance to Reggio Emilia approach. The two complement each other to bring out the best learning opportunity to the child.


and Interdependence

Focuses on developing

personal, social and emotional


This strand links to:

• The IEYC Personal Goals

• The IEYC International Dimension


Communicating through:

1. Speaking and Listening

2. Reading

3. Writing

4. Number

5. Shape and Measures

6. ICT and Computing

7. Expressive Arts and Creativity


Focuses on developing the skills

of enquiry through exploring:

• People

• The World

Healthy Living

and Physical Wellbeing

Focuses on developing

a positive attitude to:

• Health

• Self-care

Health & Nutrition

The relationship between nutrition,

health, and learning is undeniably

strong: nutrition is one of the three

major factors that impact a child’s development. We value nutritional

menu planning for your child.

Mata House provides wholefood

snacks that is healthy which is only

derived from natural goodness and

fresh filtered water available for

children to drink and refill. 

Learning also happens during snack time

as we cut the fruits or

vegetables in front of your child.


Play Studio 1


Playtots (accompanied class)

Age group: 1 - 2 years old



Age group: 2 - 3 years old

Monday through Friday


Age group: 3 - 4 years old

Monday through Friday

Kindergarten 1

Age group: 4 - 5 years old

Monday through Friday

Kindergarten 2

Age group: 5 - 6 years old

Monday through Friday

*The age is for guidance only. The school referred

to birthday eligibility cut-offs, please ask admin through

WA or email to determine your child's class.

Our Educator

Our dedicated team comes

from a diverse background in

Early Childhood Pedagogy,

Infant & Child Development,

Expressive Therapy and Arts

fields. Their nurturing

approach creates a nurturing

environment for your child to

feel love, care and respect.


“Before everything,

we were mothers.”

Before the 8am mornings echoed with tiny footsteps and nursery songs,

Mata House had its humble beginnings like any other: with an empty white

house, two passionate mothers, and a dream to nurture children with

creativity and individuality

“As working mothers, we realized the limitations and difficulties faced

by parents who have to rely on house staff to look after their children

while they are away at work.”

They started with countless parental discussions and quickly blossomed into visions of

a nurturing and soothing environment where the biggest of minds in the smallest of bodies can

flourish into happy independent children.

The two mothers set out on a mission to create the perfect preschool… not only for their own

children, but also for all the distant small voices out there aspiring to be heard, to be respected,

and most of all, to be loved.


“Before everything,

we were mothers.”

Before the 8am mornings echoed with tiny footsteps and nursery songs,

Mata House had its humble beginnings like any other: with an empty white

house, two passionate mothers, and a dream to nurture children with

creativity and individuality

“As working mothers, we realized the limitations and difficulties faced

by parents who have to rely on house staff to look after their children

while they are away at work.”

They started with countless parental discussions and quickly blossomed

into visions of a nurturing and soothing environment where the biggest of minds in the smallest of bodies can

flourish into happy independent children.

The two mothers set out on a mission to create the perfect preschool…

not only for their own children, but also for all the distant small voices out there aspiring to be heard, to be respected,

and most of all, to be loved.

© 2023 Matahouse. All Rights Reserved.